Making An IMPACT

Behavioral and Mental Health Services to Support Clark County School District

IMPACT, Invo's Integrated Multidisciplinary Program to Address Childhood Trauma, plays a pivotal role in bolstering the efforts of school districts to enhance outcomes for high-risk students. By delving into the root causes of challenging, disruptive, and occasionally perilous behaviors, IMPACT provides frontline support to address these issues head-on.

Our IMPACT During the 2023-2024 School Year

During the 2023-2024 School Year

a man and a woman sitting in a room


Students Referred to IMPACT


of CCSD IMPACT Students are making substantial progress towards their treatment plan goals, acquiring pro-social skills and reducing maladaptive behaviors

Our IMPACT During the 2023-2024 School Year


Behavioral Support Services


Clinical Mental Health Sessions


Observations in the Natural Enironment


Teacher and School Staff Consultations


Caregiver Consultations

Hear What CCSD Administrators and Educators Are Saying About IMPACT

IMPACT has been a wonderful resource to have on campus for our students. We have so many students at our school that have experienced trauma and have no tools to express it or ask for help. In addition, most educators are not trained in how...

Redrock Elementary Principal

I can sleep at night now and not dread all of the things I would have to deal with in my classroom the next morning. The student are definitely easier to deescalate now. The implementation of the new consequence-based strategy has been very...

4th Grade Teacher, CCSD

The IMPACT Team has been helpful with the STAR students with engaging in conversations about their behaviors at the time and the best way of dealing with those behaviors. They have given me hints on how to help a student deescalate a very...

3rd Grade Teacher, CCSD